Skip this one if you are bored or grossed out by medical stuff.
I am not exaggerating. It's now December, and I am still having pain. Let me backtrack to early January 2006 when I went to see my GP. I had been having pain in my upper left abdomen almost daily, so I figured I had an ulcer or something. She diagnosed stress-related gastritis and gave me a prescription to reduce my stomach acid. Hmph. I was a bit taken aback by that diagnosis. Knew I'd had a tough year but couldn't imagine that I'd been THAT stressed out.
No real improvement by the end of January and was due to go back to the GP in early February. Went out for dinner to a local restaurant with the pod on a Saturday night. Woke up in the wee hours with my guts on fire with an intense pain I'd never experienced in my life. Didn't know what was wrong but I knew I had to go to the hospital. Being me, the girl who doesn't know how to ask for help, I didn't wake up my roommate or phone a friend. I put my clothes on and walked to Eyre Square to the taxi queue and asked the driver to take me to the nearest hospital. So off I went to the Regional Hospital emergency room. Pain was bad but bearable by then. I saw the triage nurse, and since I wasn't looking like I would expire on the spot, was sent back to the waiting room. I think that visit took about 6 and a half hours. The resident who saw me, figured since the pain was on the left side, that it was gastritis, like my own GP had diagnosed. Great. The pain had pretty much subsided by that time, so I was sent home. Spent most of Sunday recovering.
I went to see my own GP later that day to get things sorted and update her on the new diagnosis.
I had to wait almost a month to see the consultant. People tell me this is fast. While waiting to see him, I had another gall bladder attack, but the pills helped stop it. I was put on a restricted, ultra lean diet, but I was still in pain almost every day.

I switched to private coverage so I could get surgery faster because I didn't want to wait a year for this to end! I had to wait another month to have an ultrasound and gastroscopy. I have to say that Bon Secours has one of the best day case units ever. It was confirmed that I had a gall stone, not a big one, but big enough. It only takes one. Two days later, I got a call that there was a spot open for surgery the following week, so the Monday before Easter weekend, I went back into Bon Secours to have my gall bladder removed. It was an interesting two days in the hospital. I've discovered the best thing there - not morphine, no no, OXYGEN! Yeah, give me a mask full of that any day. Ahhhhh.
So, blah blah, recovered from surgery, still eating carefully, had lost about 24 pounds in 3 months, was still scared to eat anything fat, rich, yummy. Was told I would be able to eat whatever I wanted the day after surgery. Hasn't quite turned out that way.
For about a month, I was feeling pretty good, but by June, I was having discomfort on my left side again and had developed some other post-surgery problems that were relatively minor but unpleasant (bunch of hair fell out, and other fun stuff).
In the Terryland mall is a little Chinese herbal shop where they have doctors trained in traditional Chinese medicine. I'd tried everything Western allopathic medicine could offer, so I decided to give Eastern medicine a go. I've spent close to €1000 over the last 9 weeks and had acupuncture, cupping, and massage along with the herbal tea, which I have to brew and drink twice a day. It's pretty miserable-tasting stuff too, as the folks at the shop will attest. I have one treatment left and then I'm stopping because I have run out of money. It has helped a little bit but not completely, and I don't know what will happen once I stop drinking the tea. Last week was really great, only a couple of days with any pain, but this week was crap, with pain every single day. So Eastern medicine has not been able to help either.